Sunday, 24 February 2019

Unit-I Part-X

1.      Who among the following were University wits?
(i) Christopher Marlowe and Robert Greene                          (ii) Thomas Nashe and Thomas Lodge
(iii) George Peele and John Lyly
                  a.  (i) and (ii)              
                  b. (i) and (iii)                      
                  c. (ii) and (iii)              
                  d. (i), (ii) and (iii)
2.      A metrical foot having one unstressed syllable followed by one stressed syllable is called a/an :
                        a.  trochee                  
                        b. anapaest             
                        c. spondee              
                        d. iamb
3.      Match the following pastoral plays with their authors :
                 i.          Endymion                                                  -              (a) John Fletcher
                ii.          The Lady of May                                       -              (b) Ben Jonson
               iii.          The Faithful Shepherdess                       -              (c) John Lyly
               iv.          The Sad Shephard                                    ­-              (d) Philip Sidney
                  a.  (i)-a, (ii)-b, (iii)-c, (iv)-d                 
                  b. (i)-c, (ii)-d, (iii)-b, (iv)-a       
                  c. (i)-d, (ii)-c, (iii)-b, (iv)-a
                  d. (i)-c, (ii)-d, (iii)-a, (iv)-b
4.      The term “malapropism” comes from the name of a character in :
                        a.  The School for Scandal          
                        b. The Rivals                  
                        c. Joseph Andrews         
                        d. Tom Jones
5.      The Spider and the Bee episode occurs in :
                        a.  Culture and Anarchy                            
                        b. The Battle of the Books
                        c.  Aesop’s Fables                                                       
                        d. The Rape of the Lock
6.      Which Chaucerian text parodies Dante’s The Divine Comedy?
                        a.  The Canterbury Tales                                         
                        b. The Book of the Duchess
                        c.  The House of Fame                                                      
                        d. Legend of Good Women
7.      Who begins his essay with the question “What is truth”?
                        a.  Charles Lamb                
                        b. Francis Bacon 
                        c. Robert Lynd                
                        d. Joseph Addison
8.      Which collection of poems by Blake is intended to be read by children?
                        a.  Songs of Innocence      
                        b. Thel            
                        c. Poetical Sketches       
                        d. Visions of the Daughters of Albian
9.      In Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales: General Prologue the phrase written on the Prioress’ brooch is -------
                        a.  Amor Scleratus Habendi                       
                        b. Vincit Omnia Amor
                        c.  Amor Vincit Omnia                                                   
                        d. Amor Tussique Non Celantur
10.   Raphael Hythloday, in Thomas More’s Utopia is -------
                        a.  a philosopher and world traveler                   
                        b. a scientist and cartographer
                        c.  a spiritual leader                                                  
                        d. a poet and scholar
11.   Wyatt’s and Surrey’s sonnets appeared in 1557 in a compendium titled :
                        a.  Tottel’s Sonnet Collection         
                        b. Tottel’s Miscellany    
                        c. Tottel’s Medley         
                        d. Tottel’s Selection
12.   Bacon’s essays were published in the year’s ------, ------ and ------.
                        a.  1550, 1612, 1625             
                        b. 1590, 1610, 1630        
                        c. 1597, 1612, 1614            
                        d. 1597, 1612, 1625
13.   Match the content with the type of play :
I.                 Mystery Plays                                                 -              (a) Allegorical
II.               Morality Plays                                                 -              (b) Saints Lives
III.              Miracle Plays                                                  -              (c) Real Characters and Ordinary Life
IV.              Interludes                                                        -              (d) Biblical Themes
      a.  I-a, II-c, III-b, IV-d          
      b. I-d, II-a, III-b, IV-c        
      c. I-d, II-c, III-b, IV-a          
      d. I-c, II- b, III-a, IV-d
14.   Name the play of Marlowe where in the shepherd seeks the “sweet fruition of an earthly crowne”:
                        a.  The Jew of Malta         
                        b. Doctor Faustus       
                        c. Tamburlaine the Great    
                        d. Dido, Queen of Carthage
15.   ‘The Tiring House’ in the Elizabethan theatre was a space for ------
                        a.  hiring actors              
                        b. performing musicians        
                        c. audience seating      
                        d. changing and waiting
16.   Match the opening lines with the plays of Shakespeare :

I.                 As You Like It                                    -              (a) Now is the winter of our discontent/Made glorious summer
      by this sun of York.
II.               Richard III                                          -              (b) O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend/The brightest
      heaven of invention
III.              All’s Well that Ends Well                 -              (c) As I remember, Adam, it was upon this fashion bequeathed
     me by will but poor a thousand crowns,…
IV.              Henry V                                              -              (d) In delivering my son from me, I bury a second husband
      a.  I-b, II-a, III-c, IV-d         
      b. I-d, II-a, III-c, IV-b       
      c. I-c, II-d, III-a, IV-b        
      d. I-c, II-a, III-d, IV-b
17.   The first folio of Shakespeare’s plays was published by ------
                        a.  Isaac Tyler and Henry Condell                         
                        b. William Bentham and Richard Burbage
                        c.  William Jaggard, Isaac & Ed Blount                  
                        d. Bill Clough and Ivan
18.   What is NOT a characteristic of Metaphysical Poetry?
                        a.  Grandeur of humankind                     
                        b. Inventive use of conceits
                        c.  Religious themes                                        
                        d. Unusual imagery
19.   Identify which one of these works of Bunyan is NOT allegorical :
                        a.  The Pilgrim’s Progress                             
                        b. Grace Abounding
                        c.  The Holy War                                          
                        d. The Life and Death of Mr. Badman
20.   Which of these statements does NOT characterize Milton’s Lycidas?
a. The title is derived from Virgil’s Aeneid
b. It is a pastoral elegy
c.  It commemorates the death of Edward King
d. It discusses the struggle between God and man
21.   Identify the tragic play of William Congreve :
                        a.  The Mourning Bride    
                        b. Love for Love           
                        c. The Old Bachelor       
                        d. The Way of the World
22.   Neoclassical period is NOT characterized by :
I. The Return of Charles II                             II. War of Spanish Succession                      III. The Treaty of Utrecht
IV. The Polish Succession                              V. Epicurean Values
                  a.  I and II only             
                  b. II and III only            
                  c. IV and V only                
                  d. All of these
23.   Identify the character who is NOT the part of Sheridan’s play, The School for Scandal :
                        a.  Mrs. Malaprop      
                        b. Lady Teazle           
                        c. Sir Benjamin Backbite 
                        d. Lady Sneerwell
24.   Samuel Pepys’ diaries open in ------- and continue till -------
                        a.  1658, 1672             
                        b. 1660, 1669                
                        c. 1664, 1670            
                        d. 1665, 1667
25.   “All human things are subject to decay, And, when Fate summons, monarchs must obey” in John Dryden’s MacFlecknoe implies that :
I. Death is inevitable for all                                                                       II. Even monarchs cannot stop death
III. Human beings are summoned by fate                               IV. Fate is the ruler
                 a.  Only I, II and III          
                 b. Only III, and IV        
                 c. Only I and II               
                 d. None of these
26.   -------- was associated with ‘Transition Poetry’ in English Literature.
                       a.  Thomas Gray              
                       b. Robert Burns           
                       c. William Blake          
                       d. All of these
27.   ------- is the heroine of the mock-epic Rape of the Lock.
                       a.  Ophelia                    
                       b. Elizabeth                
                       c. Belinda                     
                       d. Emma
28.   Match the following :
I.                 Thomas Gray                                                   -              (a) Ode to Evening
II.               William Collins                                                -              (b) A Red, Red Rose
III.              William Blake                                                  -              (c) Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
IV.              Robert Burns                                                   -              (d) The Chimney Sweeper
       a.  I-b, II-a, III-c, IV-d         
       b. I-d, II-a, III-b, IV-c      
       c. I-c, II-a, III-d, IV-b      
       d. I-a, II-b, III-c, IV-d
29.   ------------- imported the decasyllabic line from France and under Italian influence made it pliable. It became the heroic line which was the surpassing vehicle of the great poetry of England.
                        a.  Chaucer                 
                        b. Spenser              
                        c. Wyatt                    
                        d. Marlowe
30.   In The Canterbury Tales, who recites the litany of lugubrious and monotonous ‘tragedies’ which sadden the Knight’s good heart and make the innkeeper yawn?
                        a.  The Yeoman               
                        b. The Ploughman       
                        c. The Miller             
                        d. The Monk
31.   ‘Here’s God’s plenty’ – Who said these words about whom?
                        a.  Ben Jonson about Shakespeare                         
                        b. Dr. Johnson about Milton
                        c.  Dryden about Chaucer                                                
                        d. None of the above
32.   ‘In ------------- all religions are authorized and toleration is the law, even the Christian religion which has been introduced thither, enjoys no privileges’.
                        a.  Utopia                     
                        b. Religio Medici         
                        c. Governour                
                        d. Areopagitica
33.   The first English Comedy of the classical school was :
                        a.  Gorboduc                 
                        b. Class of Government            
                        c. Celestina            
                        d. Ralph Roister Doister
34.   When was Sidney’s Arcadia published?
                        a.  1580                    
                        b. 1585                  
                        c. 1590                  
                        d. 1595
35.   Name the author of The Shepherd’s Calendar :
                        a.  Philip Sidney         
                        b. John Lyly              
                        c. Edmund Spenser        
                        d. Walter Raleigh
36.   ‘Here again inspiration comes from a classical legend. Shakespeare has recourse to Ovid as Marlowe to Musaeus’. What are the works referred to?
                        a.  Hero and Leander and Venus and Adonais                   
                        b. Dr. Faustus and Coriolanus
                        c.  The Jew of Malta and Titus Andronicus                     
                        d. Tamburlaine and Troilus and Cressida
37.   “ Tomorrow to fresh woods and pastures new” is from a poem by :
                        a.  Dryden                     
                        b. Milton                      
                        c. Keats              
                        d. Shelley
38.   Name the author of New Atlantis :
                        a.  Francis Bacon           
                        b. Thomas Coryate          
                        c. John Lyly           
                        d. John Donne
39.   ‘He bled Seneca white’, Who is the ‘he’ referred to and what is the play?
                        a.  John Lyly: Damon and Pythias                     
                        b. George Peele: David and Bethsaba
                        c.  Thomas Kyd: The Spanish Tragedie                 
                        d. Robert Greene: Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay
40.   Which character of Marlowe uttered the following words?
“Still climbing after knowledge infinite
And always moving as the restless spheres”.
                  a.  Tamburlaine             
                  b. Dr. Faustus                     
                  c. Barabas                
                  d. King Edward
41.   Rabbi Zeal-of-the-Land Busy is the chief character in which of Ben Jonson’s plays?
                        a.  Volpone                  
                        b. Epicoene                    
                        c. The Alchemist         
                        d. Bartholomew Fair
42.   Name the metaphysical poet who wrote ‘A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning’ :
                        a.  Andrew Marvell 
                        b. John Donne                    
                        c. Thomas Carew        
                        d. Robert Herrick
43.   How many plays did Shakespeare write?
                        a.  30                     
                        b. 36/37                 
                        c. 40                    
                        d. 45
44.   ‘There is an upstart crow beautiful with our fethers / that with his tyger’s heart wrapt in a player’s hide’. Who is described by whom in these lines?
                        a.  Shakespeare by Greene                              
                        b. Shakespeare by Nashe
                        c.  Shakespeare by Ben Jonson                          
                        d. Ben Jonson by Dekker
45.   Whose influence was still apparent in Richard III?
                        a.  Marlowe                   
                        b. Kyd                   
                        c. Nashe                         
                        d. Greene
46.   Which is the play in which Shakespeare follows the unities in their broad sense?
                        a.  Cymbeline             
                        b. The Winter’s Tale   
                        c. The Tempest          
                        d. Measure for Measure
47.   Which of the following is the narrative poem by Shakespeare noted for its lyrical beauty?
                        a.  The Rape of Lucrece    
                        b. The Rape of the Lock          
                        c. Astrophel and Stella            
                        d. The Relique
48.   Which play of Shakespeare (a farce) with a much involved plot was modelled on Plautus?
                        a.  The Comedy of Errors                              
                        b. All’s Well that Ends Well
                        c.  Love’s Labour’s Lost                              
                        d. None of the above
49.   “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, some have greatness thrust upon them” – In which play of Shakespeare do these celebrated lines occur?
                        a.  Hamlet                    
                        b. Twelfth Night                  
                        c. Othello                
                        d. The Tempest
50.   Who said, “I admire Ben Jonson, but I love Shakespeare”?
                        a.  Dr. Johnson             
                        b. John Dryden                   
                        c. Charles Lamb 
                        d. William Hazlitt
51.   Biron is a character in Shakespeare’s :
                        a.  Love’s Labour’s Lost                           
                        b. The Two Gentlemen of Verona
                        c.  A Midsummer Night’s Dream                      
                        d. The Comedy of Errors
52.   How many of Shakespeare’s dramas deal with English history and how many with Roman history?
                        a.  5, 4                     
                        b. 6, 3                      
                        c. 7, 5                        
                        d. 4, 4
53.   Which play of Shakespeare begins with these lines?
“When shall we three meet again / In thunder lightening or in rain.”
                  a.  Macbeth                 
                  b. Hamlet                
                  c. King Lear                     
                  d. Othello
54.   Shakespeare was associated with the :
                        a.  Globe Theatre        
                        b. New Theatre   
                        c. London Theatre              
                        d. Palace Theatre
55.   “For a good poet is made as well as born. And such wert thou” – Who paid this richest compliment to Shakespeare?
                        a.  Bacon                 
                        b. Webster                
                        c. Ben Jonson                        
                        d. John Marston
56.   When was the folio edition of Shakespeare brought out?
                        a.  1620                  
                        b. 1623                  
                        c. 1624
                        d. 1626
57.   Which critic of Shakespeare wrote the Shakespearean Tragedy?
                        a.  A.C. Bradley        
                        b. L.C. Nights         
                        c. Wilson Knight             
                        d. Dowden
58.   Which play of Shakespeare do the critics consider most autobiographical and which character is identified with Shakespeare?
                        a.  King Lear, Lear       
                        b. Hamlet, Polonius      
                        c. The Tempest, Prospero       
                        d. None of the above
59.   Which of the following is the famous Shakespeare biographer?
                        a.  T.S. Eliot                
                        b. E.K. Chambers          
                        c. Charles Lamb         
                        d. Joseph Addison
60.   “All the world is a stage. And all the men and women players” Whose words are these?
                        a.  Jaques                 
                        b. Caliban               
                        c. Touchstone                    
                        d. Falstaff
61.   “Age cannot wither her nor custom stale her infinite variety”.Who is the person referred to?
                        a.  Desdemona              
                        b. Miranda               
                        c. Cleopatra               
                        d. Viola
62.   How does the Shakespearean sonnet differ from the Petrarchan sonnet?
                       a.  In subject matter      
                       b. In rhyme scheme    
                       c. In style and diction 
                       d. In the treatment of love
63.   “Only with speeches fare / She wooes the gentle air To hide her guilty front with innocent snow.”
These lines are from which of the works of Milton?
                  a.  Paradise Lost              
                  b. Paradise Regained    
                  c. The Comus   
                  d. On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity
64.   “Milton’s -------------, the fragment of a masque is a fine compliment in verse to Dowager Countess of Derby, whose praises Spenser had sung when she was the wife of Lord Strange.”
                        a.  Comus               
                        b. Arcades           
                        c. Lycidas             
                        d. L’Allegro
65.   Paradise Lost was published in :
                        a.  1665                 
                        b. 1667                    
                        c. 1670                  
                        d. 1671
66.   Samson, the central character in Samson Agonistes is :
                        a.  A Hebrew champion   
                        b. A Greek warrior  
                        c. A Roman emperor     
                        d. An English king.
67.   Annus Mirabilis is a work by :
                        a.  Dryden                 
                        b. Samuel Butler 
                        c. Andrew Marvell      
                        d. John Denham
68.   Which of the following is NOT an allegory?
                        a.  The Pilgrim’s Progress
                        b. The Life and Death of Mr. Badman  
                        c. The Holy War      
                        d. Hudibras
69.   Name the author of Essay on Criticism :
                        a.  Pope              
                        b. Dryden               
                        c. Swift                   
                        d. John Gay
70.   The kingdom of Laputa appears in which novel of Swift?
                        a.  Gulliver’s Travels        
                        b. The Battle of the Books      
                        c. A Tale of a Tub        
                        d. Journal to Stella
71.   Which of the following is NOT by Dr. Johnson?
                        a.  The Dictionary of the English Language   
                        b. Rasselas    
                        c. The Lives of the Poets            
                        d. Candida
72.   What is the subtitle of Richardson’s Pamela?
                        a.  Virtue Rewarded        
                        b. Clarissa      
                        c. The History of a Young Lady          
                        d. Pamela Abroad
73.   The main subject of Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience is :
a. Love and happiness; Grief and rebellion
b. Good and evil; Righteousness and unrighteousness
c.  Salvation and damnation; Hope and despair
d. Slavery and freedom; Peace and justice
74.   ………… uses the ‘play within a play’ technique.
                        a.  Doctor Faustus         
                        b. The Spanish Tragedy        
                        c. The Duchess of Malfi          
                        d. Edward II
75.   ‘O, no end is limited to damned souls’ is said by :
                        a.  Othello              
                        b. Hamlet                       
                        c. King Lear             
                        d. Doctor Faustus
76.   Astrophel and Stella is a sonnet sequence by :
                        a.  Philip Sidney             
                        b. Edmund Spenser               
                        c. Wyatt                
                        d. Shakespeare
77.   What does Hamlet call “the play within the play”?
                        a.  The Mouse Trap 
                        b. Gonzales                   
                        c. The Inner Play        
                        d. The Royal Murder
78.   The author of The Journal of the Plague Year was :
                        a.  Laurence Sterne 
                        b. Daniel Defoe            
                        c. Sir Thomas Browne          
                        d. Francis Bacon
79.   ‘A Bracelet of Bright Hair around the Bone’ occurs in :
                        a.  ‘The Sunne Rising’          
                        b. ‘To a Flea’            
                        c. ‘The Relic’              
                        d. ‘The Canonisation’     
80.   Which writer described the novel as a comic epic in prose?
                        a.  Samuel Richardson      
                        b. Daniel Defoe                   
                        c. Laurence Sterne         
                        d. Henry Fielding
81.   Sir Epicure Mammon is a character in :
                        a.  The Alchemist  
                        b. Bartholomew Fair      
                        c. Every Man in His Humour    
                        d. Every Man Out of His Humour
82.   Who said “A man who contemplates revenge keeps his wounds green”?
                        a.  Bacon              
                        b. Shakespeare                   
                        c. Dr. Johnson             
                        d. Pope
83.   The characters Christian, Faithful and Hopeful figure in :
                        a.  Absalom and Achitophel        
                        b. House of Fame        
                        c. The Faerie Queen       
                        d. The Pilgrim’s Progress
84.   Match the following :
                    i.     Queen Elizabeth                                         -              (a)1660
                   ii.     Charles –II                                                  -              (b)1603
                 iii.     James –I                                                      -              (c)1625
                 iv.     Charles –I                                                   -              (d)1558
                  a.  (i)-d, (ii)-a, (iii)-b, (iv)-c             
                  b. (i)-d, (ii)-b, (iii)-a, (iv)-c      
                  c. (i)-c, (ii)-a, (iii)-b, (iv)-d
                  d. (i)-d, (ii)-b, (iii)-c, (iv)-a
85.   Which of the following works was NOT published in 1922?
                        a.  James Joyce’s Ulysses 
                        b. The Wasteland         
                        c. Mrs. Dalloway          
                        d. Herman Hesse’s Siddhartha
86.   The phrase “Carpe Diem” means :
                        a.  Seize the night      
                        b. Carpet Design          
                        c. Seize the day             
                        d. Save time
87.   The lines “The better part of valour is discretion; in which better part I have saved my life” are uttered by :
                        a.  Henry IV               
                        b. Hotspur                
                        c. Prince Hal              
                        d. Falstaff
88.   Which Victorian writer’s work deals with ‘the unravelling of the skein of crime’?
                        a. Wilkie Collins            
                        b. Anthony Trollope               
                        c. George Gissing                 
                        d. Walter Pater 
89.   Which eighteenth century author wrote strongly in support of the American Revolution but strongly against the French Revolution?
                        a.  Edward Gibbon            
                        b. Edmunde Burke               
                        c. Samuel Johnson               
                        d. David Hume
90.   Match the following :
                    i.     Anglo-Saxon attitudes                             -              (a)John Milton
                   ii.     Of True Religion                                      -              (b)John Donne
                 iii.     An Anatomy of the World                        -              (c)Lewis Carroll
                 iv.     The Sacred Wood                                      -              (d)T.S. Eliot
                  a.  (i)-a, (ii)-c, (iii)-d, (iv)-b             
                  b. (i)-d, (ii)-b, (iii)-a, (iv)-c         
                  c. (i)-c, (ii)-a, (iii)-b, (iv)-d
                  d. (i)-b, (ii)-c, (iii)-a, (iv)-d
91.   In The Canterbury Tales which two pilgrims are portrayed as traditional rivals?
                        a.  The Knight and the Squire                     
                        b. The Miller and the Reeve
                        c.  The Wife of Bath and the Prioress                   
                        d. The Summoner and the Pardoner
92.   Piers Plowman written by William Langland is :
                        a.  a romance        
                        b. a theological poem           
                        c. an allegorical poem         
                        d. a didactic poem
93.   Which of the following characters in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales is NOT an example of the corrupt clergy?
                        a.  The Monk               
                        b. The Friar              
                        c. The Pardoner                
                        d. The Parson
94.   In his ‘Apology for Poetry’ Sidney defends poetry against the charge of :
                        a. Falsehood             
                        b. Amorality              
                        c. Obscurity                      
                        d. Prejudice
95.   Which of the following is NOT a Sonnet sequence in English?
                        a.  Amoretti                
                        b. Astrophel and Stella            
                        c. Epithalamion             
                        d. Delia
96.   ________ introduced blank verse to English poetry.
                        a.  Christopher Marlowe  
                        b. Thomas Wyatt           
                        c. Edmund Spenser                 
                        d. Earl of Surrey
97.   Which poem by Milton contains an attack against corrupt clergymen?
                        a.  L’ Allegro             
                        b. Il Penseroso          
                        c. Comus                            
                        d. Lycidas
98.   The famous ‘Bargain Scene’ in The Way of the World is about :
                        a.  Negotiation of dowry                                        
                        b. Sexual morality
                        c.  Assertion of woman’s rights                               
                        d. Greed in human beings
99.   In which Book of Paradise Lost does Satan succeed in tempting Eve?
                        a.  Book I                     
                        b. Book II                  
                        c. Book IV                       
                        d. Book IX
100.  A metaphysical conceit is :
              a.  An extended comparison           
              b. An oxymoron          
              c. Personification         
              d. Metonymy
101.  The allegorical narrative poem ‘ Piers Plowman’ was written by :
              a.  John Gower         
              b. William Langland            
              c. Geoffrey Chaucer         
              d. Pearl Poet
102.  England’s first printing press was set up in the almonry of the Westminster Abbey Church. Which was the first book printed from there?
              a.  Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales                         
              b. Ovid’s Metamorphoses
              c.   Le Morte d’Arthur                                          
              d. Golden Legend
103.  Philip Sidney’s ‘Astrophil and Stella’ is a :
              a.  Novel                   
              b. Sonnet Sequence              
              c. Play                  
              d. Prose
104.  What is the rhyme scheme of Shakespearean sonnet?
              a. ABABBCBCC             
              b. ABAB CDCD EFEF GG          
              c. ABABBCBCCDCDEE          
              d. ABAB CDCD EFEF GG
105.  Which of the following is a play written by John Webster?
              a.  Jew of Malta              
              b. Edward the Second    
              c. The Duchess of Malfi
              d. The Massacre at Paris
106.  To which theater was Christopher Marlowe associated with?
              a.  English Puritan Theatre                                 
              b. Restoration Theatre
              c.  English Renaissance Theatre                                    
              d. English Neo-Classical Theatre
107.  Who is called the “Bard of Avon”?
              a.  Spenser                 
              b. Shelley                       
              c. Shakespeare           
              d. Wordsworth
108.  Match the following :
A.     All’s Well That Ends Well                                    -              (i) History
B.     King Lear                                                             -              (ii) Comedy         
C.     The Taming of the Shrew                                    -              (iii) Tragedy        
D.     Henriad                                                                -              (iv) Problem Play
     a.  A – i, B-iv, C-ii, D-iii                 
     b. A- ii, B-iv, C-iii, D-I  
     c. A-iv, B-iii, C-ii, D-I          
     d. A-iv, B-i, C-ii, D-iii
109.  The Shakespeare's Sonnets starts with the dedication to :
             a.  W.H             
             b. T.T                           
             c. A.H                  
             d. W.T
110.  Which is NOT a character of Shakespeare’s Sonnets?
             a.  The Dark Lady    
             b. Fair Youth                 
             c. The Rival Poet         
             d. The kid
111.  “Death, be not proud, though some have called thee / Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so." Who’s sonnet includes these lines?
             a.  John Donne            
             b. Samuel Johnson             
             c. John Dryden       
             d. John Cleveland
112.  Who is the protagonist in Milton’s epic poem ‘The Paradise Lost’?
             a.  Satan           
             b. Michael                       
             c. Raphael             
             d. The Son of God
113.  Which of the following is NOT an architectural modification made to Restoration theatres?
             a.  Small, raked auditoria                         
             b. Proscenium doors
             c.  A large ‘apron’                                          
             d. Reclining, cushioned seating
114.  Which among the following is a work of Richard Steele?
             a.  The Christian Hero       
             b. The Conscious Lovers          
             c. The Lying Lover        
             d. All of them
115.  ‘Fools rush in where the angels fear to tread’ is a famous line by Alexander Pope in :
             a.  Essay on Man           
             b. Essay on Criticism                
             c. Robinson Crusoe           
             d. Moll Flanders
116.  Who wrote Astraea Redux, an authentic royalist panegyric, celebrating the restoration of the monarchy and the return of Charles II?
             a.  Alexander Pope          
             b. John Dryden               
             c. Thomas Shadwell        
             d. Samuel Johnson
117.  Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets is a work of :
             a.  Alexander Pope           
             b. Dryden                 
             c. Samuel Johnson                  
             d. William Cowper
118.  'The History and Adventures of an Atom' is a work by :
             a.  Samuel Richardson     
             b. Daniel Defoe         
             c. Tobias Smollet              
             d. Edmund Burke
119.  'Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard' is a poem by :
             a.  Thomas Gray          
             b. Collins                
             c. Cowper                       
             d. Burns
120.  Who among the following is called ‘The Ploughman Poet’?
             a.  Thomas Gray              
             b. William Collins     
             c. William Cowper                   
             d. Robert Burns